Public Hearing: Planning & Zoning

June 26, 2019
Planning and Zoning
The Abita Springs Planning & Zoning Commission will discuss a proposed Ordinance of the Board of Alderman of the Town of Abita Springs, to repeal Section 9-215.1 of the Abita Springs Code of Ordinances relative to the Brookforest Zoning District and to provide for other related matters. The discussion will conclude with a vote to the Board of Alderman form the P&Z Commission of either a favorable recommendation, a non-favorable recommendation or no recommendation at all.
The Abita Springs Planning & Zoning Commission will discuss the proposed amendment to Section 9-215A, by adding “thereto, to provide for and to regulate the use of bed & breakfasts in the residential district and to provide for related matters.”
All interested parties are welcome to attend the meeting scheduled for June 26, 2019 in the Abita Springs Town Hall at 6:00 pm.