Engineering Projects Update- April 2019
Andre Monnot
Sewer Rehabilitation Program:
Gravity Collection Rehabilitation Project is 100% design complete. LDEQ (funding agency) has reviewed and approved for advertisement. When final comments from LADOTD for pavement patching, and clearance from LADH are received, project will be advertised for bid; expecting 30 days +/-.
Lift Station Rehabilitation Project is 33% design complete, opinion of construction cost remains within $1,799,700 budget. Design completion is anticipated in June 2019.
Same as last report:
Construction contingency of $100,900 is held in reserve (expect to spend in the gravity collection rehab project).
Utility GIS website is complete and operational. When parcel data is complete, consultant will schedule training with Town and make website public.
Pearl St. Lift Station Force Main Upgrade: Submitted to LA Dept. of Health last month for review and approval.
Harrison Extension: Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination received. Much of alignment is considered wetland, as expected.
DOTD Utility Extension: All Town work complete. Pump station startup will be conducted after WST brings new service.