Engineering Projects Update- January 2019
Andre Monnot
Sewer Rehabilitation Program:
Gravity Collection Rehabilitation Project is 75% design complete. Entirety of identified defects within overflow-prone basins will be within budget. Approach to isolated issues is being reviewed to maximize the area of Town treated.
Lift Station Rehabilitation Project is 25% design complete, opinion of construction cost remains within $1,799,700 budget. Design completion is anticipated by April 2019.
Construction contingency of $100,900 is held in reserve.
Utility GIS Survey is complete, computer GIS layer generation is in progress. Operational map available through web interface is still anticipated in February 2019.
Pearl St. Lift Station Force Main Upgrade design will be submitted to LA Dept. of Health this week for review and approval.
Harrison Extension:
Wetland delineation complete, Jurisdictional Determination request sent to Corps.
DOTD Utility Extension:
Pipe work is complete, lift station construction is 85% complete.