Engineering Projects Update- December 2018
Andre Monnot
Sewer Rehabilitation Program:
Gravity Collection Rehabilitation Project is 60% design complete. Same technical report as November: “Sewer overflows are observed in the Pearl St. basin and Indian Trail basin (which combined make up most of the Town’s sewer pipe length). Engineer’s opinion is that those two gravity basins can be 100% rehabilitated for 83% of the gravity rehabilitation budget. The remainder of the budget will be assigned to structural and infiltration rehabilitation of defects in other basins. Design approach has been refined so that 100% of identified defects could be addressed in the construction budget of $3,057,700; however, some non-critical defects in non-overflowing basins may be cut from the scope to fund construction of missing manholes in the Pearl St. basin for better future O&M. Design completion is anticipated on schedule, by February 2019.”
Lift Station Rehabilitation Project is 25% design complete, opinion of construction cost remains within $1,799,700 budget. Design completion is anticipated by April 2019.
Construction contingency of $100,900 is held in reserve.
Utility GIS Survey is 90% complete, computer GIS layer generation follows. Operational map available through web interface is still anticipated in February 2019.
Pearl St. Lift Station Force Main Upgrade design is complete and in final review. Construction will be funded by Meadows developer when design is approved by LA Dept. of Health.
Harrison Extension:
Wetland delineation complete, Jurisdictional Determination request sent to Corps.
DOTD Utility Extension:
Pipe work is complete, lift station construction is 85% complete.