Engineering Projects Update- April 2018

Jean Thibodeaux
Railroad Avenue - Contractor has ordered material and construction will start when the material arrives. Appears that construction will be in May 15th.
Recreational trails - Project permit application is being review by the US Army Corps of Engineers. We expect to receive the permit in April/May.
Abita Meadows - Currently in Final Stage Review and the majority of final stage comments have been addressed.
Drainage maintenance - Developed plan to improve known problem areas with short term maintenance or develop engineering plans for more complicated situations. Several items have progressed and we continue to work new requests.
Andre Monnot
Sewer Rehabilitation Program: Smoke testing and manhole inspection has been completed. CCTV inspection and dye testing of sewer gravity mains is likely to conclude in June. Crews report much heavier sediment in sewer lines than expected. Engineering design criteria development is in beginning.
Harrison Ave Extension Land Use and Transportation Study: A draft report of findings and analysis was presented to the Regional Planning Commission on March 26th. Responding to comments by LADOTD, the report is expected to be finalized no later than June.
Utility Service to LADOTD: The Town will extend water and sewer service to the new LADOTD facility on the State-owned property on LA36. Cost has been finalized, and LADOTD is developing a draft agreement for Town consideration in May.
Meadows: Final comments on the Developer’s engineering drawings issued.
Greg Lemons
Grant to Provide LED Lighting along trace and selected sidewalks: No change -DOTD has reports to review.