COVID-19 Update
We know that many of you are home and doing some Spring cleaning, completing home projects or just doing regular sanitizing more often in an attempt to keep the virus out of your home.
Please be aware of what you are flushing down your toilets including wipes which can get in the lift stations and cause issues. Please dispose of those in a trash receptacle instead.
If you are doing projects around the home do not rinse containers out into the storm drain. The chemicals could end up in our lakes and rivers.
When putting trash in your can please use bags to contain the trash. Our garbage handlers sometimes come in contact with your trash and when you fill a can without a liner they are more likely to do that. We want to protect them also.
Green Debris pickup has been suspended by Coastal Environmental for the time being. If it fits in your can it will be picked up otherwise we will notify when green debris pickup resumes.