P&Z Public Hearing
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OCTOBER 24, 2018
The Abita Springs Planning & Zoning Commission will review the following requests at the October 24, 2018 meeting, which will be held in the Abita Springs Conference Room, at 6:00 pm. All interested parties are welcome to attend this public hearing.
1. A Public Hearing will be held in the Abita Springs Conference Room on October 24, 2018, whereas, the Planning & Zoning Commission will vote on an amendment to the Brookforest Ordinance (#192 & #266) prohibiting commercial and non-commercial rentals of guest cottages.
2. The St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11 is requesting a zoning change of their property on Hwy 36 from residential to park.
3. A Public Hearing for a variance request was made by Mr. Landry pertaining to side yard setbacks for his 60’ x 120’ lot on St. Charles Street. This request includes asking for 5 feet on the street side as well as 5 feet on the interior side of the property. The structure would then be 10 feet from the interior property line and 15 feet from the street side property line. The normal required 30 feet for the front yard as well as the 25 feet for the rear will remain.
4. Mr. & Mrs. McCance are requesting that their property on Heintz Street, be annexed into the Town’s corp. limits. The 0.82 ac parcel is the future site for a single family construction.