Employee Handbook 2017
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Who is affected by this Boil Water Advisory?
People from
If you pay the Town of Abita Springs for your water you are included in those affected.
May 10, 2024
10:20 am
Dear Residents,
All samples came back clear and THE PARTIAL BOIL WATER ADVISORY IS LIFTED!
The Abita Springs precautionary boil water advisory for parts of Mercedes Subdivision and the East end of Burvant has been rescinded as of today, May 10th, 2024 at 10:20 am. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience.
For additional information please call 985-892-0711.
Town of Abita Springs
May 8, 2024
7:10 pm
Water has been restored to the affected area however our Precautionary Boil Water Advisory (BWA) area has been enlarged. Please see our new map below. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Whenever we have a line break every effort is made to avoid turning off resident's water supply. Today our utility team worked for hours trying to avoid shutting the water off. Ultimately, they had no choice but to isolate an area to make the repair. The loss of water pressure triggers a Precautionary Boil Water Advisory.
We are turning in samples to LDH tomorrow morning and fully expect the advisory BWA to be lifted Friday morning.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.