Sandbag & Weather Update
Sand and Sandbags are located outside the Maintenance Barn fence at the end of Orme Street if anyone feels that they will need them.
Clarence W. Powe Deputy Director Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness St. Tammany Parish Government
Tropical Update: Hurricane Harvey (08/25/2017-1600hrs) Parish Government - Level 3 (Storm in the Gulf of Mexico) EOC Liaison - (Stand-By)
See attached briefing slides.

There has been little change since the earlier 0830hrs update. Harvey is still a Category 3 Hurricane and forecast to make landfall into Corpus Christi Texas night into early Saturday morning.
St Tammany Parish Government remains at Level 3 (Storm in the Gulf of Mexico). There are not plans to activate the EOC over the weekend, however all personnel are still on Stand-By in case conditions changes.
Continue to monitor over the weekend for follow-on updates as they become available
Remember, Sand and Sandbags are located outside the Maintenance Barn fence at the end of Orme Street if anyone feels that they will need them.