2017 - 2018
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Karen Kell
Belinda Vigueira
Lynnette Soules
Iris Salzer
President's Message
I am pleased to be your President of the Abita Springs Garden Club for the next year. I hope to plan a variety of interesting programs that all will enjoy and welcome any suggestions or comments, as this is your club.
Our goal is to unify our community and share knowledge of the many native plants and trees in our area. New members and guests are always welcomed.
Darleen Johnson
To provide gardening education, resources, and inspiration; promote cultivation of native trees and wildflowers providing habitat for birds and butterflies; participate in community beautification, and foster an appreciation of gardening throughout the community.
To visit a garden or nature trail as a group.
To urge residents to house, feed, and protect birds.
To request each member to plant native shrubs and trees both at home and in public parks of Abita Springs.
To help maintain the Abita Museum garden.
To maintain the planters in front of Town Hall.
To co-sponsor Keep Abita Beautiful.
Club Flower: Cape Jasmine
Club Colors: Green and white
Dues: $10/year
Meetings: Second Thursday of each Month September - June
Abita Springs Town Hall 1:30 PM